TeamApt acquires Switching License from CBN

Teamapt acquires switching license from cbnA financial technology company, TeamApt, hosted a press community at its headquarters to announce the switching license that has been awarded to the company by the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN.

The license awarded to the company powers AptPay, one of TeamApt’s products, to lead a financial revolution as it provides solutions for different customer segments in the Nigerian society.

TeamApt CEO, Tosin Eniolorunda, describing the impact of the license says “It is the highest license awarded to any fintech by the CBN because the license allows you to put all the banks together and be able to debit their banking position with the central bank.

“What this translates to is that with AptPay, TeamApt can actually move money across the banks without putting our money down. This license puts TeamApt on the same level as other Tier-1 financial technology companies.

 “If through a payment gateway, a buyer pays a merchant for a product and the payment gateway provider needs to pay the merchant instantly, without the license, the provider will have to pay with its own money. But with the license, the provider is merely moving the bank funds around without tying down its money,” he explained.

The team lead for AptPay, Dumebi Duru, describes the switching license as the ‘last piece to the matrix’.

Simpa Saiki, product-head for moneytor, explained how moneytor is an omnichannel digital banking solution for banks that want to provide end to end and personalized banking services to different banking personas.

He also illustrated how TeamApt builds white-labelled end-to-end online banking products from the ground up, which are customized for the banks.

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Also, Emeka Ibe who leads the profectus robotics process automation team explains how the solution helps banks cut down massively on manpower hours and operational costs by automating E-banking processes such as settlements, reconciliations and dispute resolutions.

Product head for Moneytor, Tunde Ogidan, spoke on how the product is focusing on solutions for the underbanked and unbanked.

“As you know, with a population of 200 million Nigerians, there are only 17,000 ATMs available” he said as he highlighted the problem the product is solving.

Moniepoint is engaging agents to offer secured soft banking services to reach the 180 million unbanked Nigerians.

“We plan to hit 12,000 units nationwide by the end of 2019” Tunde said.

The Monnify team lead, Tobi Amira explains that Monnify is going to digitize in-person payments which were hitherto impossible.

“With monnify, you will be able to pay your tailor or your water supplier conveniently and capture the transaction digitally.”

When asked what plans TeamApt has for scaling across Africa, Tosin, the CEO explained the company was in advanced talks with 6 banks in Ghana with expansion plans underway in Tanzania.

He also hinted at plans to expand outside Africa before the end of Q4 2020.

TeamApt Limited is a financial technology company in Lagos with a mission to create financial happiness through the development of Digital Banking, Digital Business solutions and running Payment Infrastructure for Africa, with a customer base of 26 banks across Africa, including Zenith, ALAT by Wema, UBA, First Bank, GTBank and Access Bank.

Posted by Yetunde Adegoke (TechEconomy)