Nollywood produces 553 movies in 2022 second quarter –NFVCB

“The report also shows a slight increase in the number of movies produced from 541 in the first quarter to 553 in the second quarter of the year.

Nollywood produces 553 movies in 2022 second quarter –nfvcbNational Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) says the board has received and censored a 553 movies produced by the Nigerian film industry in the second quarter of the year.

Alhaji Adedayo Thomas, Executive Director/CEO, NFVCB, made this known in a statement on Thursday in Abuja.

He said the figure was provided by the Department of Film Censorship and Classification of the board in its Second Quarter Report for the year.

He added that the report captured all films submitted to the board from across the country.

“The report is for onward submission to the relevant Federal Government agency, as an input for the compilation of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the second quarter (GDP) Q2, 2022.

“The report also shows a slight increase in the number of movies produced from 541 in the first quarter to 553 in the second quarter of the year.

He said “209 of the films came in from Lagos State Censorship Centre of the board, representing the chunk of the movies produced during the period, followed by Abuja with 189 movies.

“Onitsha recorded 92 movies, Kano brought in 44, while Jos and Abeoukuta centres recorded 10 and four movies respectively,” he said.

Thomas added that the analysis by censorship location further showed
that Port Harcourt and Ibadan got two movies each , while Benin stood beneath with just one film within the period under review.

“The steady increase in output is also indication of the increased contribution of the film industry to economic growth, in terms of direct and indirect jobs in the entire value chain in filmmaking.

“Our cordial relationship with the recognised guilds/associations in the industry, has also played important role.


He  urge them to ensure that their members submitted their films for censorship and approval.

“As a Federal Government agency, we are committed in providing enabling environment for filmmakers.

He said the NFVCB would always ensure that uncensored and other unwholesome films did not find their way into the Nigeria market,” he added.

NFVCB is a Federal Government body that regulates the films and video industry in Nigeria.

The Board is empowered by law to classify all films and videos, whether imported or produced locally.

It is also the duty of the Board to register all films and videos outlet across the country and to keep a record of such registered outlets among other functions.