Gay pix

January 7, 2013 is truly the darkest day of my life. I am shattered right down to my bones. President Goodluck Jonathan rather than present Nigerians with a New Year present chose to pick on us (gay people) for discrimination, pain, ex-communication and even death with the signing of the Anti-Gay Marriage Act. As the news is repeated over and over again I cringe and tremble. I am too shaken to call my mum who has been fasting and praying for me, since that day 8 years ago when she burst into the room and saw me and Tony in the throes of passion; I was stooped while Tony was behind me…she passed out!

When she regained consciousness, she became delirious, screaming at the top of her voice and crying at the same time. Suddenly she held on to me, warned me never to let her ever set her eyes on Tony, lest she could kill him. She swore the Devil wanted to use him to ruin my very promising life. She also promised not to let daddy know he would shoot Tony first and then shoot me. He would also blame her for allowing me, their only son be a homosexual.

I had to leave home after six months; at 25 I believed I was old enough to live my life. Mum had begged me to follow her to church and even an Ifa priest, I obeyed but I still never found any attraction in girls. Tony was always on my mind. Since he introduced me to gay sex back in secondary school when he was my school father I had always loved him and he loved me too.

I was heart-broken when I discovered he was also doing girls. When I confronted him, he told me it was one-off but alas he went off and got married to a woman last year after pretending he was going abroad on a business trip. I had no one to turn to than my mum. Rather than console me she broke out in song, praising the lord and claiming that I would soon have my own deliverance. Again she insisted we go and see her pastor…

One year after, I have been unable to have a relationship with a lady. Rather I have had 2 flings with 2 boys and had 3 occasional quickies with Tony. Even I am beginning to realize that life has not been fair to me. Why do I have a man’s genitals and woman’s psychological make-up? Or is it that Tony brainwashed and moulded me into this state? I was only 13 when he began…and he was 18 years old.

So for no fault of mine I could now spend 14 years in jail for living my own private life, when I am not hurting anybody. Imagine the speed with which they even passed the bill into law. If that is how they had been working on laws that will benefit the masses, Nigeria would have been a paradise…those retarded politicians who are so corrupt and are themselves gay when they choose to be.             The Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act 2006 was first approved by Obasanjo’s government who sent it to the National Assembly for urgent action.               The bill, however, was not passed by the Assembly. But after the present Senate passed the bill on November 29, 2011 and the House of Representatives passed same on May 30, 2013 I never believed President Jonathan will sign the bill after all the threats by Western nations. And now that he has signed it not one of them has carried out any sanctions.

Ok, even if they will not allow us marry why “prohibit the registration of gay clubs, societies and organisations, their sustenance, processions and meetings”. Why prohibit the “public show of same sex amorous relationship directly or indirectly”.  Why must the law jail my mum for failing to report to the Police that her son is gay receive a jail sentence? Why jail us 14 whole years. Why, why why?

Hmmm, if I were a Nigerian gay, I would thank my lucky stars that the government and people of Nigeria have given me a reason to be shocked back into real humanity. I shall realize that the West has lost its moral soul and is determined to force normal beings to follow their forbidden path. I shall realize that though homosexuality is practised all over the world. It is an aberration and should not be displayed with impunity at the rest of the world. The way the West was going about it, they seemed to be terrorizing the rest of the world that they must accept the Lesbian, Bisexuals, Transvestities and Gays (LBTG) propaganda and thus depopulate the world.

If I were a Nigerian Gay I shall remind myself that the same West that is forcing us to fully embrace gay culture were the ones who also forced the Bible on us where we were told that God wiped out the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality. I would remember how the West have very often force-fed us with capitalism and communism only to turn round to begin to combine the good elements of both when their strict applications almost crumbled their nation brands.

If I were a Nigerian Gay, I shall consider seeking asylum in Ottawa, Canada or the United States’ District of Columbia: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. I may also consider other Gay-friendly countries in Europe and South America.

But truly, if I were a Nigerian Gay, I shall use all means possible, medical, spiritual and human to become straight. It is so much more fun to be straight in Nigeria!