Facebook2Facebook users who do not want to identify their gender as male or female can now select from around 50 other terms. Among the new ones added by the social network site are androgynous, bi-gender, cisgender, intersex, gender fluid and transsexual.

Facebook worked closely with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) to compile the new list. There are also three preferred pronoun options: him, her or them.

According to the company, the changes were aimed at giving people more choice in how they describe themselves. The move came after years of lobbying from users, some who started Facebook pages to petition for the change.

Company spokesman Will Hodges told Techcrunch.com: “While to many this change may not mean much, for those it affects it means a great deal. We see this as one more way we can make Facebook a place where people can express their authentic identity.”