HEAVENLY RIDE: The Okotie Example…

Rev chris okotie and his carMatthew 7; 1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again…. Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye…” Matthew 7. V 1-5

A few weeks ago, the Pastor of Household of God Church International Rev. Chris Okotie, was reported in the media as saying that the Catholic faithful will all end up in hell. “All Catholics in the world will go to hell because they worship Satan and are led by an Anti-Christ Pope who is a friend to the devil”. The fiery cleric went on in his tirade against the Catholic Church.

Meanwhile this Christ-loving preacher also only recently set  the marker in hedonism when just after the storm of controversy that trailed his acerbic comments had barely died down. The Reverend gentleman was once again in the news when he marked the occasion of his twenty-seventh year in the ministry as well as three decades of being ‘born again’ (really?!) with the purchase of a Rolls Royce Coupe, the 2014 Bespoke Edition Range Rover (Autobiography) 2014 Model for N33m., reputed to be the costliest SUV in the world to mark this ministry’s milestone.

Going by the checks on the Internet, this Rolls Royce that Pastor Christ just bought should be around N65m, but it could cost much more if it is armored. As gathered from reputable media sources, the pastor spent N120m (approximately $USD750, 000) to acquire the exotic toys.

Considering the-jaw-dropping amounts used for funding this luxury lifestyle, one is compelled to  wonder if it would not have served God’s purpose and humanity better if our man of God had channeled those monies towards making life better for his brethren and his highly deprived fellow Nigerians in orphanages, care homes and teeming unemployment market.

While one may be forced to deduce that he intends to use the expensive automobile to convey privileged members of his congregation to the Pearly Gates, wouldn’t you say Okotie might have to remove his flashy mote from his eyes before passing judgement on those who qualify to make it to heaven?

Let’s have your take on this matter.