
In the light of continuous defection of politicians from the PDP to the APC, President Goodluck Jonathan, on Saturday insisted that the PDP is strong and stable and would remain unshaken.

The president while addressing a mammoth crowd of party supporters shortly after receiving former Governor Attahiru Bafarawa into the PDP at Kangiwa Square, Sokoto on Saturday stated that PDP is the only political party that can Navigate Nigeria out of the rough waters.

In his words: “PDP is the only party that can bring stability to Nigeria. PDP is the only party that is stable and obey rule of law and the constitution. In fact PDP just dey Gidigba, no shaking. In fact, I was telling some people when we were coming in this morning and I saw the crowd left and right that if we were running a parliamentary system where the prime minister will look at the political environment in the country and call for early elections, I would have called for early elections, let us see where this noise is coming from, whether they are supported.”