No More Facebook and WhatsApp for BlackBerry Phones


whatsapp&facebookJust last month, WhatsApp announced that it will no longer support all Blackberry phones, some Nokia phones, and older Android phones. Few weeks after that, Facebook is following it’s subsidiary to drop support for Blackberry phones.

This means there’ll be no Facebook and Whatsapp apps for the BlackBerry platform anymore. Although, Facebook will give BlackBerry users an app that will link them to Facebook through the web, but there is virtually no difference between that and user one’s normal device browser.

According to the Independent, BlackBerry said that it was “extremely disappointed” in Facebook’s decision, saying, “We fought back to work with WhatsApp and Facebook to change their minds, but at this time, their decision stands…. Despite this, we have worked hard to ensure our end users have the best experience in light of this decision, and are continuing to search for alternate solutions.”