NASS to revisit bill on constitutional roles for traditional rulers, says Speaker

“We are here to also seek for advice from you the traditional rulers."

Nass to revisit bill on constitutional roles for traditional rulers, says speaker
Abbas tajudeen – speaker, house of representatives

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abbas Tajudeen, on Saturday in Zaria said the 10th assembly would revisit the bill seeking constitutional roles for traditional rulers.

The speaker disclosed this during a courtesy visit to the Emir of Zazzau, Malam Ahmed Bamalli.

He said the visit was a homecoming to seek royal blessings, guidance and prayers from the royal father.

Tajuddeen, who was accompanied by some members and leadership of the house, told the emir that the visit was to also appreciate the support and prayers received from his constituency and Nigerians.

“We are here to also seek for advice from you the traditional rulers.

“I want to also intimate you that we will revisit the recommendations of the bill submitted by the traditional rulers seeking for constitutional roles and ensure that the bill is passed.

In his response, the emir noted that the traditional rulers had played several developmental roles at pre-independent and post-independent Nigeria, as such their roles could not be over-emphasised.

He also noted with dismay that some politicians were initially against the bill seeking constitutional roles for the rulers on the premise that such roles would amount to creating another tier of government.

The emir said it was not true that assigning constitutional roles to the traditional rulers amounted to creating another tier of government.

The royal father said an extensive deliberation on the issue was held in Kaduna under the leadership of the Sultan of Sokoto.

He added that a committee headed by Emir of Lafia, Nasarawa State, who was a former Justice of the Supreme Court, drafted the bill which was eventually not passed by the NASS.

“We are therefore appealing to the 10th assembly to revisit the bill and ensure its speedy passage to enhance security, growth and national development.”

BRANDPOWER reports that after the courtesy visit, the speaker held an interactive session with the people of Zaria Federal Constituency.