Governor Mimiko pledges rapid development for Ondo State

By Precious Adi.

Ondo state Gorvernor, Olusegun Mimiko has assured his people of rapid socio-economic development of the state during his second term in office.

He assured them that his administration would be an exceptional one as many more people oriented project are now ready for commissioning in all parts of the state, in addition to numerous ones already commissioned.

MimikoMimiko also noted that God has surprised the entire people of the state by ensuring peace and rapid socio-economic development in all facets of life, including quality healthcare delivery, infrastructural transformation, educational development and empowerment delivery system among others.

He pointed out that his administration had been tackling the challenges of unemployment which he described as a global issue and assured his people that the state governments power plant in Ore would soon be ready for commissioning to boost industrialisation and employment in the state.

He thanked God for the prevailing peace  and development in the state, particularly the peaceful conduct of the last gubernatorial election which was said to be the most peaceful ever conducted in the country.

The governor appealed to the people to always pray for his administration and perform civic responsibilities by paying their taxes to assist government to adequately discharge its responsibilities.

  Meanwhile, Ondo State Government has released about N2billion to the local government councils in the state to execute developmental project at the grassroot.

 Mr Kayode Akinmade, the state Commissioner for Information, announced this while speaking in Akure.

Akinmade said the projects the funds would be expended on would cut across all areas and also depends on the priorities of each local council area and communities, adding that the project would be completed on schedule.

 According to the commissioner, “the project would soon commence across the state as part of the effort of government to transform the rural communities and deliver the dividends of democracy to the people”

He also insisted that the funds should be used to execute project that would have direct impacts on socio-economic life of the people, adding that the governor was on a rescue mission at the local council level to address infrastructural imbalance at the grassroots.

He warned that quality would not be compromise, and insisted that government would not tolerate unnecessary variation in the contract.