By Etim Lawrence

The World’s No. 1 brand has endorsed BRANDPOWER online brand as a good advertising platform for brands in the business, marketing and lifestyle segments. This comes as Adsense, the advertising arm of Google commenced advertising brands in its portfolio about two weeks ago in Nigeria’s leading Brand and Marketing magazine, BRANDPOWER, on the online platform.

According to the publisher of BRANDPOWER Mr. Nnanke Harry Willie, the online and printed versions of the magazine offer great platforms and tremendous benefits for advertisers and brand owners to communicate with their target audience while reaching them effectively. It would be recalled that the BRANDPOWER website was recently redesigned and hosted on Word Press for greater reading experience and better appeal to advertisers and the consuming public.Google-

BRANDPOWER stories and articles reach a wide select audience through opt-in subscriptions, our Facebook Page and Linkedin connections. The Twitter handle is also automatically uploaded. BRANDPOWER’s mission is to improve consumer experience across the financial, telecom, social-political service sectors as well as consumer goods and services. It seeks to make brands better and consumers happier.