By Oriade Ayomide


Following the continuous bloodbath being perpetrated by Boko Haram in the northern part of the country, the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) yesterday threatened to mobilise its members to the streets to protest the massacres.

Despite persistent claims by the Nigerian military that it is on top of the situation, bomb explosions and brutal killings have continued to tear the northern parts of the country. This according to Labour is sufficient reason to assemble its members in protest against the federal government’s poor handling of the situation.

In his reaction to the recent killings in Yobe, Adamawa and Borno states NLC President, Abdulwaheed Omar said the earlier successes of the declaration of state of emergency seem to have petered away, giving room to despair.

“labour was saddened by the brazen and ferocious savagery and the seeming helplessness of our security forces. We want to sound a note of warning that we will not fold our hands or be indifferent by-standers while our territory is being ceded away, while scores of innocent lives and priceless property are being wasted on a daily basis.

“Accordingly, and consistent with our peace initiative last year christened Peace Summit, we shall mobilise our members to the streets to protest these massacres and the questionable responses of our security forces,” he stated.