BRAND NUGGETS by Vernon Eulion Jordan Jr.

You are where you are today because you stand on somebody's shoulders. And wherever you are heading, you cannot get there by yourself. If...


You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do – Henry Ford, Founder of the Ford Motor Company 

BRAND NUGGETS by Ryan Holmes

Don't be scared to try new things, but remember to hold on to the vision of your company and the initial successes that defined your brand- Ryan Holmes, Canadian internet entrepreneur and founder of Hootsuite.

BRAND NUGGETS by Debbie Millman

Authenticity in branding requires a step by step, measured methodology that doesn't veer from a brand's key identity- Debbie Millman, American author and Brand...

BRAND NUGGETS by Paul Polman

Looking at the world through a sustainability lens not only helps us 'future proof' our supply chain, it also fuels innovation and drives brand...



BRAND NUGGETS by Beyonce Knowles-Carter

If everything was perfect, you would never learn and...

BRAND NUGGETS by Jesse Owens

We all have dreams. In order to make dreams...

BRAND NUGGETS by Kenneth Chenault

Many people don't focus enough on execution. If you...

BRAND NUGGETS by Steve Harvey

Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself in a...

BRAND NUGGETS by Mae C. Jemison

The best way to make dreams come true is...