BRAND NUGGETS by Strive Masiyiwa

Whether you're a farmer, builder or engineer, the opportunities are equal: Just add a little‪ innovation – Strive Masiyiwa, Zimbabwean billionaire and founder of...

BRAND NUGGETS by Isabel Dos Santos

I think there are a lot of people with family connections but who are actually nowhere. If you are hardworking and determined, you will...

BRAND NUGGETS by Femi Otedola

When you have a business model, you must adhere strictly according to what you want to achieve- Femi Otedola, former chairman of Forte Oil...

BRAND NUGGETS by Mark Zukerberg

Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff you are not moving fast enough- Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO 


A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well- Jeff Bezos,...



BRAND NUGGETS by Beyonce Knowles-Carter

If everything was perfect, you would never learn and...

BRAND NUGGETS by Jesse Owens

We all have dreams. In order to make dreams...

BRAND NUGGETS by Kenneth Chenault

Many people don't focus enough on execution. If you...

BRAND NUGGETS by Steve Harvey

Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself in a...

BRAND NUGGETS by Mae C. Jemison

The best way to make dreams come true is...