BRAND NUGGET by Marissa Ann Mayer

Our theory is, if you need the user to tell you what you're selling, then you don't know what you're selling, and it's probably...

BRAND NUGGETS by Chief Obafemi Awolowo

If we are in the habit of practising the opposite of what we preach, our admonition will not only lose their force and cogency,...

BRAND NUGGETS by Milena Glimbovski

Be your own best customer. Live your customer’s lifestyle – Milena Glimbovski, Russian-German entrepreneur, author and zero-waste activist. 


Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence – only in constant improvement and constant change- Tom Peters,  American writer on business management practices

BRAND NUGGETS by Oprah Winfrey

On my own I will just create, and if it works, it works, and if it doesn’t, I’ll create something else. I don’t have...



BRAND NUGGETS by Beyonce Knowles-Carter

If everything was perfect, you would never learn and...

BRAND NUGGETS by Jesse Owens

We all have dreams. In order to make dreams...

BRAND NUGGETS by Kenneth Chenault

Many people don't focus enough on execution. If you...

BRAND NUGGETS by Steve Harvey

Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself in a...

BRAND NUGGETS by Mae C. Jemison

The best way to make dreams come true is...