FCCPC: Consumers laud Irukera over impactful leadership

“We appreciate you and wish you well wherever you find yourself serving humanity,”

FCCPC: Consumers laud Irukera over impactful leadership
Mr Babatunde Irukera, Former CEO, FCCPC
Fccpc: consumers laud irukera over impactful leadership
Mr babatunde irukera, former ceo, fccpc

Some consumers have commended Mr Babatunde Irukera, the former Executive Vice Chairman of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), for his impactful leadership in the Commission.

BRANDPOWER reports that President Bola Tinubu on Jan. 8 relieved Irukera of his duties.

Some of the consumers who reacted to his sack on his X on Tuesday said the country’s consumers and markets would miss his dogged contributions.

A consumer identified on X as @KatorTarkaa said ”kudos, Mr Tunde Irukera!

“Your tenure at FCCPC was indeed impactful.

“Particularly thankful for your intervention in cases like mine with Airtel, where they unjustly took my N75.

“Your dedication made a difference. Best of luck in your future endeavours, sir,” he said.

Olashile Abayomi-Wealth said ”thank you sir for everything.

“We will never forget you. History will be kind to you sir,” she said.

Another consumer known as Udeochu Philip on X wrote ”well-done sir, you were phenomenal and you added so much value and covering for Nigerian consumers.

“We appreciate you and wish you well wherever you find yourself serving humanity,” he said.

Another consumer identified as Sulaiman Gafar-Blessing wrote on X, ”you have written your name on a sand of time, history will be kind to you and it will not forget you in hurry.

“Thank you for your service sir,” he said.

A consumer identified as Wale Adedayo said ”I believe a bigger assignment is coming.

“One of our greatest public servants in recent times,” he said.

Irukera in a reaction to his sack, said on his X ”grateful for the opportunity to have served the incredibly vibrant and loyal Nigerian citizens/consumers.

“They deserve a better deal.

“I leave behind a strong institutional advocate in the FCCPC and an outstanding team of soldiers who work there daily for the cause of fair markets,” he said.

BRANDPOWER reports that the FCCPC under Irukera recently recorded a landmark victory when it secured a judgment  of $110 million fine slammed on British American Tobacco (BAT) Nigeria and affiliate companies for multiple violation of the FCCPC Act and others.
The commission said the amount was agreed after a mutual engagement between the Commission and BAT parties under the FCCPC’s Cooperation/Assistance Rules & Procedure (CARP), 2021.
FCCPC said its Cooperation/Assistance Framework (CAF) provided for benefits such as possible reduced monetary penalties and waiver of the application of the Commission’s Administrative Penalties Regulations 2020, among others.

BRANDPOWER also reports that Tinubu directed the Chief Executive to hand over to the next most senior officer in the agency pending the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer.