China set for hosting 3rd Belt, Road International forum

China, Host, 3rd Belt, Road International forum

China, host, 3rd belt, road international forumMa Zhaoxu, Executive-Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, China, has assured of Chinese readiness to host the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF).

Ma gave the assurance while briefing international journalists on Monday in Beijing, in view of the country’s preparation to host the BRF.

The event with the theme: “High-quality Belt and Road Cooperation: Together for Common Development and Prosperity” would start from Oct. 18 to 19, 2023 in Beijing, China.

Ma described the forum as the most important diplomatic event to be hosted by China this year, as well as the most significant celebration to mark the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

According to him, President Xi Jinping would attend the opening ceremony of the BRF, deliver keynote address and host guests at the forum to bilateral discussion and banquet.

Ma said, “So far, representatives of over 140 countries and 30-plus international organisations, including state leaders, heads of international organisations, ministerial officials and representatives of business sector.

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Also academia and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), have confirmed their attendance.

“As of today, more than 4,000 delegates have registered for participation; BRF is expected to produce substantial outcomes, in form of cooperation documents, initiatives and mechanisms, in terms of projects, funds and measures.

“The total number of deliverables is likely to exceed those of the previous two forum.

“The participants all come to the BRF for cooperation, for supporting the BRI, and for promoting common development.

“The Chinese initiative with international support has delivered benefits to all and present new progress China has made in advancing major-country’s diplomacy on all fronts, since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.”

He mentioned that the event would promote solidarity and win-win cooperation of countries around the globe, and add positive energy and stability to the world.

He reiterated China’s plans to work closely with all parties, use the Forum to take stock of valuable experience of Belt and Road cooperation in the past decade and draw new blueprint for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation in the new stage,

Also, to inject new dynamism towards realisation of the aspiration for common development of all countries, and make new contribution to building a community with shared future for mankind.

“The BRI is a major proposal for international cooperation put forth by President Xi Jinping, informed by his keen grasp of the global trends and with better future for humanity in mind.

“It is an important platform for concrete actions to build a community with a shared future for mankind; the BRI has injected strong impetus into global growth.

“The past decade witnessed tangible and fruitful outcomes achieved under the BRI. More than 3,000 cooperation projects were agreed on and up to one trillion dollars of investment were mobilised.

“The BRI has offered viable solutions for improving global governance. Belt and Road cooperation follows a global governance philosophy of extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit.

“An approach that advocates dialogue over confrontation, bringing down over erecting barriers, integration over decoupling, and inclusiveness over keeping others out, and seeks to make global governance more just and equitable,” he added.

He commended Chinese companies to have among other things created more than 420,000 job opportunities for the local people in the economic and trade cooperation zones they built in partner countries.