Tap into $1.5trn blue economy opportunities, Usoro urges girls

Mfon Usoro, Blue Economy, girls, opportunities

Mfon usoro, blue economy, girls, opportunitiesMrs Mfon Usoro, National President, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, has advised young ladies to explore the opportunities and career paths in the marine and blue economy to enable them to tap into the $1.5 trillion sector.

Usoro gave the advice at the 4th nationwide virtual Marine and Blue Economy Quiz competition on Wednesday, while declaring the quiz open.

The competition organised by the Ocean Ambassadors Foundation, is in celebration of the International Day of the girl-child.

Usoro, also the former Secretary General, Abuja Memorandum of Understanding (Abuja MOU) on Port State Control, pointed out that there are three million jobs for people worldwide in the blue economy sector, especially in different areas which young female could tap into.

“There are opportunities for fishing, coastal tourism with our beaches that should be attractive and clean, renewable energy like having turbine in the sea, using the constant wave flow.

“There is a source of income that can be exploited in water dis-salination; here, an entrepreneur can use this to address water security in Nigeria and neighbouring countries.

“Going beyond this, there is another field of study like marine genetic resources in sea and can be used in the medical field, and many more opportunities offered in marine resources,” she said.

Usoro noted that people should also be responsible for the conservation of the marine resources so that the $1.5 trillon blue economy benefits could be gotten.

BRANDPOWER reports that Usoro said that to achieve that a lot had to start from the homes, adding that this was what the Ocean Ambassadors Foundation (OAF) had been doing for the past four years as regard cleaner ocean.

“We need to reduce our plastic intake or more still, recycle and dispose them appropriately when need be,” she said.

She appreciated the government for creating the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy,noting that more opportunities should be open to expose people on the benefits of the marine sector.

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“The ministry should organise itself to accomplish its objectives.

“There should be institutional method to ensure cordinating other ministries linked to the blue economy ministry to avoid duplication of methods.

“I encourage the young ladies whose interest has been triggered by the quiz and wish them best of luck,” she said.

Commenting, Mrs Violet Williams, President, OAF, noted that the objectives of the quiz competition was to ensure a nationwide drive for young people’s inclusive participation in the maritime sector.

Williams added that the competition would enlighten students on the career opportunities in the maritime sector and adapt to the digital learning ecosystem through the use of e-learning platforms.



According to Williams, the e-quiz is centered on key areas of the maritime and blue economy.

“This includes maritime career opportunities, shipping, freight forwarding, history of the Nigeria port authority, maritime regulatory agencies, current affairs about the Nigeria maritime sector and others,” she said.

She added that many persons had benefited from the platform, urging the students to tap into it for a better future and be among those included in the three-million job offer from the blue economy sector.