Elections: No vacancy for incompetent candidates, says a CSO

”Enough is enough’ in this country, where incompetent leaders are forced on the people.

Elections: no vacancy for incompetent candidates, says a csoA Civil Society Organisation (CSO), National Interest Network (NIN) says it will do everything possible to ensure there is no vacancy for incompetent candidates in the 2023 general elections in Nigeria.

Mr Johnson Da’ Silva, the National President of NIN, said this at a meeting in Abuja, where deliberation on how to throw their weight behind a presidential candidate and other candidates.

He said that there was no vacancy for incompetent candidates and that they were not needed, no matter what they have done.

”Enough is enough’ in this country, where incompetent leaders are forced on the people.

“Every problem of Nigeria has been blamed on leadership and of course, its not too far from the truth and yet, instead of the emerging leaders to solve the Nigerian problems, they sometimes compound it.

“Come February and March, this body has shouldered itself with the responsibility to ensure that no incompetent candidate gets into power.

“This we shall do by our votes and other legitimate medium and right Nigerians have,” he said.

Da’ Silva decried the state of insecurity in the country, adding that it had affected almost every facet of the citizenry’s national life, especially lives and poverty.

“Nothing to be proud about or hold power for when people are dying of attacks, killing and going through kidnapping, poverty, and inflation on a daily basis,” he said.

He said that they were already mobilising the citizenry all over the country to ensure that the next Nigerian President was a competent candidate who would deliver.

According to him, the group would use the power of PVC to conquer the Nigerian enemies in the forthcoming presidential election.