2023: Enthronment of good leadership will end terrorism in Nigeria – CAN

Adegbite said Nigerians had an ample opportunity in the coming election to put in the position of authority leaders that could bring Nigeria of their dream to reality.

2023: enthronment of good leadership will end terrorism in nigeria – canThe Lagos State Chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) says only the enthronment of a good leadership in 2023 will end terrorism in the country.

The Chairman of the association, Bishop Stephen Adegbite, spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on the sidelines of the state’s Christmas carol at the Christ the Light Chapel Alausa, on Wednesday.

Adegbite said Nigerians had an ample opportunity in the coming election to put in the position of authority leaders that could bring Nigeria of their dream to reality.

The Bishop, who had led teams to offer palliatives to the Internally Displaced People (IDP’s) camps in the northern part of the country where terrorists attack was a regular feature, expressed dismay at the havoc in the area.

The Lagos preacher described terrorism and insurgency as whirlwind that blew no one any good and called on Nigerians to come out enmass to vote credible persons at the polls.

The CAN boss, sympathetic to the APC’s Presidential candidate Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu, said that christains in Lagos were in support of the ruling party’s standard bearer.

According to him, the people want peace in Nigeria and it is somebody of the Calibre of Asiwaju that can muster the political will to fight terrorism to standstill.

“His antecedents over the year as a public officer and freedom fighter, had protrayed him to be patrotic and dependable nationalist.

“We need a leader that is capable of using other means, aside from military, to quell the crises that had resulted in human carnage in parts of the country,” he said.

He called on the Nigerian youths to make their voice heard in the elections by partaking in the process.

He advised the younger ones not to stand aloof but allow those that could create the much needed job, that would absorb them, into position of authority.

He said that the Lagos CAN had been vocal in matters affecting the people and would continue to do so, to lead the people well.