Resist pressure, influence, gratification -Appeal Court President warns election tribunal members

“There are 163 experienced Members who have served in various tribunals in time and 114 newly nominated members.

Resist pressure, influence, gratification -appeal court president warns election tribunal membersThe President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Monica Dongban-Mensem on Monday warned the members of the electión tribunal to avoid political pressure,  influence and gratification.

Dongban-Mensem gave the warning at the swearing-in of the members of the 2023 General Elections Tribunal and workshop on capacity building for members.

Section 130 (3) (a) & (b) of the Electoral Act, she said, states that the Election Petition Tribunal shall be constituted not later than thirty (30) days before the Election and open its Registry for business seven days before the Election.

“There are 163 experienced Members who have served in various tribunals in time and 114 newly nominated members.

“For the former, your experiences will come to bear in the coming days when you resume at your various States.

” This training will afford you the opportunity to build on your past experiences.

” For those in the latter category, this will serve as an opportunity for you to learn and ask questions so that you will be well guided on how it is done.

“Given the nature of elections and how litigious they have become, it is anticipated that most of them will get to the highest appellate level of Court with limited time to decide,” she said.

She said it was imperative that the best hands are chosen to serve.

“Furthermore,  these are trying times for the judiciary and the spotlight already on our institution will only be intensified once the Tribunals commence hearing.

” Let me once again reiterate, you are expected to resist all and any form of political pressure and influence as well as gratification that may come your way.

” You are to discharge your duties strictly and in accordance with the ethics and dictates of good conscience and the oath of your office.

” Frivolous and unnecessary adjournments are to be shunned and applications for same strictly considered” she said.

She said  It is usually said that ‘the law resides in the bosom of the Court’

“This naturally presupposes that judges keep themselves abreast of the changes in a constantly evolving sphere that is the law.

” In this regard, we have made a Judicial Electoral Manual (JEM) containing the Electoral Act 2022, Election Judicial Proceedings Practice Directions 2022.

”  And the Supreme Court Election Appeals Practice Directions to serve as quick reference materials in the electoral adjudicatory process.

” I expect these will be perused in order to familiarise yourselves with the changes therein” she said.

She thanked the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), UK-AID, UNDP, European Union (EU), Policy and Advocacy Centre (PLAC), DAI, and IFES, for their unwavering support to the Judiciary.

NAN reports that total of 277 judges and other judicial officers seré sworn-in by the chief judge of Nigeria, Justicia Olukayode Ariwoola as members of the 2023 election tribunal.

The CJN also unveiled the Judiciary Electoral Manual, containing the Electoral Act 2022, Election Judicial Proceedings Practice Directions 2022.