2023: Support groups won’t give up until Emefiele answers the call to vie for president – ESV

2023: support groups won’t give up until emefiele answers the call to vie for president – esv

Groups rallying for the Central Bank of Nigeria governor, Godwin Emefiele, to take a shot at the coveted Presidential office in the 2023 general election have declared their unshakeable resolve to stay the course and not give up until he accedes to their call and agrees to run. This resolve was disclosed recently by one of the several support groups, Emefiele Solidarity Vanguard, ESV.

The group’s national coordinator, Patriot Daniel Enyi who stated this said “Nigerians have constituted themselves into various support groups for the CBN Governor in a clamour for him to contest the 2023 presidential elections.”

He said,” Emefiele Solidarity Vanguard, ESV in collaboration with other support groups shall continue with the agitation until he(Emefiele) accepts or reject the golden offer by well-meaning Nigerians.”

“We are here to set the records straight on the ongoing Solidarity electioneering posters, Billboards and recently branded vehicles of the Central Bank of Nigeria Governor Dr. Godwin Ifeanyichukwu Emefiele’s 2023 Presidential campaign.

”These groups have gone ahead to print campaign materials of all sorts in the persuasion of Dr. Godwin Emefiele to listen to the voice of reason. As Emefiele Solidarity Vanguard, we have thousands of posters, T-shirts, Billboards and have branded some of our individual cars in solidarity with the CBN Governor, this has nothing to do with him in person,” He explained.

READ ALSO:https://brandpowerng.com/emefiele-could-become-nigerias-next-president-harvard-economist/

Açcording to Enyi, ”The latest campaign of calumny against the person of the CBN Governor is the branding of some Sharon mini-buses by a support group, Green Alliance Movement which believes that Emefiele will serve as a bridge between the political class and the economist, the South South and South East.”

He spoke further: ”The Emefiele Solidarity Vanguard, ESV is also branding vehicles in support of Dr. Godwin Emefiele in a bid to persuade him to participate in the 2023 Presidential elections. The images being circulated on social media have nothing to do with the CBN Governor directly, the blackmail is an attempt to box Emefiele to the corner. It is an outright blackmail against his person to link the agitation directly to him,”he added.

“It is a norm that whenever he accepts to contest, it would be made public, he will answer the clarion call in the open. The truth is, you cannot stop us  from expressing  our opinion on whom we feel should govern the Country after 2023.” He said.

“There is no doubt that Nigerians from all quarters, the North, the South, East and West are calling on the CBN Governor to run as President in the 2023. We are convinced that, if he does, he will win, this is the threat where some do-or-die political office seekers are trying to blackmail him. Remember, this is a man who was appointed by the PDP administration of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan and was reappointed by President Muhammadu Buhari for a second term based on his dedicated service to the Nation.

“We wish to make bold that, the 2023 Presidential election is far beyond an individual as Nigeria belongs to all of us. We firmly believe that the economy needs a seasoned technocrat, an economist of all standards who understands monetary policy, diversification of the economy as well, a patriotic Nigerian who shall improve on the security situation and consolidate the gains of Buhari ‘s administration. This we have found in Dr. Godwin Emefiele.

“Our advice to the blackmailers is to join hands with the progressives who have gone all out in search for the best brains ahead of the 2023 general elections to convince the CBN Governor,  Dr. Godwin Ifeanyichukwu Emefiele to contest the 2023 Presidential elections for a consolidated  Nigeria. It is a known fact that no right-thinking Nigerian will want to elect a President whose vision is 2023. Nigeria needs a President who thinks beyond 2023, a man or woman who understands the economic situation of the country and is poised to improve on it.”

“We challenge anyone who has evidence of the CBN Governor consulting for President or any other political office to tender same before the general public.

Enyi concludes that “The CBN Governor is yet to accept the offer by Nigerians to succeed President Muhammadu Buhari when Buhari’s tenure ends in 2023. We are confident that, if he makes up his mind to contest, he will declare in the open as political office seeking cannot be done in closed-doors especially, the office of the President of the  Federal Republic of Nigeria “

2023: support groups won’t give up until emefiele answers the call to vie for president – esv