Money Rituals: Seek empowerment from God, Catholic priest tells Nigerian youths

Reverend Bishop Jonas Benson Okoye
Money rituals: seek empowerment from god, catholic priest tells nigerian youths
Reverend bishop jonas benson okoye

Catholic priest Fidelis Adinukwe has urged Nigerian youths to seek spiritual direction to help them overcome negative behaviours and grow into positive and responsible individuals in society.

Mr Adinukwe gave the advice during his sermon at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Archbishop Obiefuna Retreat Centre, Okpuno, Awka, Anambra, on Sunday.

He said that seeking spiritual direction would help the youth to form and cultivate a relationship with God.

Adinukwe said that many youths got involved in social vices including prostitution, drug abuse, cultism, kidnapping, armed robbery and many others, because of a lack of spiritual direction and the fear of God.

According to him, when the fear of God is missing, sin increases and there is no godly wisdom.

“Social vices have become the order of the day among the youth. Internet fraud, cultism, prostitution and the likes have attained peak levels. Our youths have lost it.

“Our youth do not seek spiritual direction or have a spiritual director, they feel stuck, stagnant, anxious, frustrated restless and confused about life experiences.

“Spiritual direction brings clarity to life, make you understand your purpose in life, help you stay focused and disciplined as well as depend on God for everything.

“Once you have that clarity and fear of God, you will be able to overcome negative behaviours and temptations of this world, and become a responsible individual,” he said.

The message came amidst a campaign for Nigerian youths involved in Internet fraud, money rituals and other criminal acts to be ostracised by the larger society.


The menace has long been blamed on decades of abject poverty that has left most homes broken across the country. But some argued that poverty should not be used as an excuse for citizens to engage in criminality at such a scale seen in recent decades with Internet criminals.

Mr Adinukwe said crimes would reduce if youths had a spiritual director, counsellor or mentor, for a deeper knowledge of God and His teachings.

“Young adulthood is full of adventure, a lot of drama, the quest for a good and purposeful life and sustainable income.

“Do not bottle up your worries, speak up, have a spiritual director to counsel you in your life’s journey and draw you closer to God,” he said.

