Japanese envoy applauds Buhari’s policy on ease of doing business

Japanese envoy applauds buhari’s policy on ease of doing businessThe Japanese Ambassador to Nigerian Amb. Matsunaga Kazuyoshi has lauded President Muhamadu Buhari for creating an atmosphere conducive for ease of doing business.
Matsunaga applauded the Nigerian leader in Abuja when he paid a courtesy call on Mrs Abike Dabiri-Erewa, Chairman/CEO, Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM).
A statement by Gabriel Odu, NiDCOM’s Media, Public Relations and Protocol Unit, disclosed this.
The statement quoted Matsunaga as saying that Buhari’s policy of ease of doing business in the country had encouraged no fewer than 27 Japanese companies to do business in Nigeria.
The Japanese envoy said he was in Dabiri-Erewa’s office to promote grassroots exchange between the people of Nigeria and Japan as well as to learn the structure of NiDCOM in order to consider the possibility of replicating same to cater for the about 1.4 million Japanese citizens in the Diaspora.
He praised Nigerians living in Japan for being one of the most populous immigrant communities doing very well especially in the areas of sports, business, and social ethics, citing Mr Ikenna Nweke.
According to him, Nigerians living in Japan are doing well and are good ambassadors of their country.
Responding, the NiDCOM chief said she was impressed with the good reports about Nigerians living in Japan.
Dabiri-Erewa acknowledged the existence of a “strong union of Nigerians” in Japan, saying that many of them were engaged in “doing great things” and contributing immensely to the development of the grassroots in Nigeria through sports and other means of empowerment.
She agreed that the people-to-people relationships at the grassroots had the capacity to foster strong ties between Japan and Nigeria.
The NiDCOM chair assured the Japanese envoy that the commission was ready to work closely with Japan in areas of staff training and development.