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Bill Gates Says People with these 3 Skills will be successful in the future job market

Bill gates says people with these 3 skills will be successful in the future job marketIf you’re thinking about what’s next for your career, consider taking the advice that Microsoft co-founder and self-described futurist Bill Gateshas about the job market.

He frequently works with inventors and industry disrupters, reads books about the future of humanity and funds projects to advance communities.

And based on the data he’s collected, Gates concludes that people with three backgrounds will be the most in-demand from here on out: science, engineering and economics.

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Workers proficient in those subjects will be “the agents of change for all institutions,” Gates told LinkedIn Executive Editor Daniel Roth in a 2016 interview.

“I do think of basic knowledge of the sciences, math skills, economics — a lot of careers in the future will be very demanding on those things,” Gates says.

You don’t have to be an expert in coding or the periodic table, but having the ability to think the way these experts do will help you tremendously.

”[It’s] not necessarily that you’ll be writing code, but you need to understand what can engineers do and what can they not do,” the Microsoft co-founder says.

They’ll likely be revolutionizing your industry, he says.

Source: CNBC

Samson Oyedeyi


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