Home HEALTH CARE WHO issues global warning on counterfeit diabetes drugs

WHO issues global warning on counterfeit diabetes drugs

Who issues global warning on counterfeit diabetes drugsCounterfeit diabetes drugs have been in circulation since 2022 in a problem affecting all regions of the world, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned.
The health authority in a statement referred specifically to findings in Britain, the U.S. and Brazil since October 2023.
The drug concerns Ozempic, a medicine containing the active ingredient semaglutide, which is also approved in the EU for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
The counterfeit version looks identical to the real medicine.
Because the product also suppresses the appetite, it is increasingly being prescribed for weight loss.
But counterfeit drugs may not contain the right amount of active ingredients and could therefore lead to uncontrolled sugar in diabetics, the WHO said.
It added that they may also contain other active ingredients that pose health risks.
The WHO called on doctors, pharmacists, regulatory authorities and the public to be vigilant.
People should only buy medicines on prescription from pharmacies and not online, the WHO said.
Users should ensure that the dosage scale on insulin pens is displayed correctly, the label looks correct and there are no spelling mistakes on the box, it added.
Ozempic Concerns…

In an artucle on Science Alert, Carly Casella said as patients await further research, many are sharing their journeys on social media for others to learn from, and stories about unwanted or unexpected side effects get a lot of eyeballs.

Tiktok and Instagram are currently abuzz with discussions over ‘Ozempic face’ – a term used to describe the hollowed-out cheeks, sunken eyes, and excess skin that can sometimes arise from significant, rapid weight loss.

The controversial term has “consumed the media” for over a year now, and some experts argue it is derogatory, misleading, and possibly scaring patients away from a drug that could benefit their health, even without taking weight loss into account.

Ozempic and Wegovy belong to a class of medications called glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1) agonists, which balance blood sugar and suppress the appetite by mimicking a natural hormone in the body. The injectable drugs were initially designed as ways to treat diabetes, but they are now often prescribed, sometimes off-label, for weight loss.

Currently, it is unknown whether changes to the face are a novel side effect of GLP-1 agonists, or a natural consequence of weight loss, similar to what can happen after bariatric surgery.

There is no scientific evidence that suggests GLP-1 agonists specifically target fat in the face, and clinical trials have yet to measure the occurrence or extent of the side effect, which means we don’t even know how common it is.

READ MORE HERE: https://www.sciencealert.com/what-is-ozempic-face-and-why-is-it-so-controversial

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