Home FEATURES NNANKE's TAKE Gaza: Global Action needed for Humanity to rise above Politics

Gaza: Global Action needed for Humanity to rise above Politics

The toll on innocent lives, the destruction of infrastructure, and the perpetual state of fear and despair demand a united global effort to bring about change.

Gaza, global action needed, for humanity to rise above politicsBy Nnanke Harry Willie


“The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.”  – Jimmy Carter

The October 7, 2023 attack by the paramilitary wings of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PRC, PFLP and DFLP was an audacious and tyrannical onslaught against Israel. It was launched in a series of coordinated armed incursions into the Gaza envelope of neighboring Israel, the first invasion of Israeli home territory since the Arab-Israeli War of 1948.

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The world and, indeed, Hamas, had no doubt Israel would respond in an equally audacious manner, nothing like the world had ever seen before. However, not very many people expected the toll that the Israeli revenge would take on harmless Palestinian population, including even non-Palestinians who happen to be in Gaza for humanitarian aid. This ugly spectacle has, unfortunately, been brought to bold relief since Israel began its reprisal attacks against Hamas Gaza since October 2023 till the date of this write-up.


The conflict in Gaza has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the region.Some potential outcomes include Economic Disruption as ongoing conflict in Gaza poses a significant risk of economic disruption globally, impacting not only the region but also reshaping economies in the Middle East and the rest of the world. The war has been described as “devastating” to the Palestinian economy, with the UN warning of its massive impact globally.


In the heart of the Middle East, the Gaza Strip remains a crucible of conflict, a land haunted by the recurring specter of violence and suffering. The ongoing strife between Israelis and Palestinians has left countless lives shattered, homes reduced to rubble, and dreams extinguished. As the international community grapples with the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict, it becomes imperative to explore tangible avenues to end the carnage in Gaza and foster a lasting peace.


The historical context of this conflict is intricate, woven with threads of deep-rooted grievances, territorial disputes, and political intricacies. Yet, despite the complexity, the urgency to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza cannot be overstated. The toll on innocent lives, the destruction of infrastructure, and the perpetual state of fear and despair demand a united global effort to bring about change.


Far too often, diplomatic efforts have fallen short, leaving the people of Gaza caught in the crossfire. To break this cycle, a multifaceted approach is necessary, incorporating political, humanitarian, and economic dimensions. Here are key considerations for the world to collectively embark on a path towards a sustainable solution:


  1. International Mediation:

The need for an impartial mediator in the Israel-Palestine conflict is more apparent than ever. A neutral third party, backed by the international community, could play a crucial role in facilitating dialogue and negotiations. The Quartet on the Middle East, comprising the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, and Russia, must renew its commitment to mediating a fair and just resolution.


  1. Humanitarian Aid and Reconstruction:

Immediate attention must be given to providing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. Essential supplies, medical assistance, and resources for reconstruction are imperative to alleviate the suffering of the population. International organizations and donor countries must work collaboratively to ensure that aid reaches those who need it most, irrespective of political affiliations.


  1. Economic Development:

Investing in the economic development of the Gaza Strip is vital for long-term stability. Job creation, infrastructure development, and the establishment of sustainable industries can empower the local population, offering an alternative to the cycle of violence. International financial institutions and donor nations should prioritize initiatives that promote economic growth and stability in the region.


  1. Dialogue and Mutual Recognition:

Meaningful dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, coupled with a commitment to mutual recognition, is essential for building trust and fostering a lasting peace. The international community must pressure both sides to engage in sincere negotiations aimed at addressing core issues such as borders, refugees, and the status of Jerusalem.


  1. Grassroots Initiatives:

Support for grassroots movements that advocate peace and understanding can play a pivotal role in bridging divides within Israeli and Palestinian societies. Promoting educational programs, cultural exchanges, and people-to-people initiatives can sow the seeds of tolerance and cooperation among future generations.


The world has a moral obligation to intervene and end the carnage in Gaza. As the international community grapples with its role in this long-standing conflict, a concerted effort is required to prioritize humanity over politics. All parties to the war should reflect on the words of – Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th US President who said:  “I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity”

It is only through a collective commitment to peace, justice, and diplomacy that the scars of Gaza can begin to heal, paving the way for a brighter and more hopeful future for all its inhabitants.

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