Home NEWS Convicted Murderer: No State Pardon for Adedoyin – Gov. Adeleke 

Convicted Murderer: No State Pardon for Adedoyin – Gov. Adeleke 

”Those who concocted the fake news are evil-minded political operatives, who are merely grasping at straws in their desperation to blackmail the state governor.

Timothy Adegoke and one of his convicted killers Dr. Adedoyin
Convicted murderer: no state pardon for adedoyin - gov. Adeleke 
Timothy adegoke and one of his convicted killers dr. Adedoyin

Gov. Ademola Adeleke of Osun has said that the government has no plans to grant a state pardon to Dr Rahman Adedoyin, who was sentenced to death for the murder of Timothy Adegoke.

BRANDPOWER reports that the Osun High Court of Justice sitting in Osogbo had on May 30  sentenced Adedoyin, owner of Hilton Hotels,  to death by hanging for the murder of Adegoke, a postgraduate student of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU ), Ile-Ife.
A statement issued on Monday in Osogbo by Malam Olawale Rasheed, the governor’s media aide, denied reports on social media that Adeleke was plotting to subvert the judgement  by granting state pardon to Adedoyin.
The statement quoted the governor as saying that his administration had never and would never subvert justice.
Adeleke said those behind the fake news were enemies of the public.
”Those who concocted the fake news are evil-minded political operatives, who are merely grasping at straws in their desperation to blackmail the state governor.
” Governor Adeleke has not and will never contemplate exercising the prerogative of mercy or whatever the report calls it, on a matter under adjudication,  which has generated deep interest among local and global communities.
”It is important to clarify that neither the governor nor his political party has any hidden plot on the said murder case other than a public interest agenda to see culprits in the dastardly act face the full wrath of the law.
”That explains why no PDP member was involved as counsel for any of the convicted individuals and why the state judiciary enjoys and exercises its full independence in the hearing and judgement of the case.
“It is uncharitable for political enemies and their paid agents to attempt any link between the convicted businessman and the governor.
”We affirm with all sense of responsibility that Gov. Adeleke was not at any material time a friend or partner of the owner of Oduduwa University and did not interfere, intervene or manifest any untoward agenda in the arraignment, hearing and sentencing of the accused, Rasheed said.
He therefore urged the members of the public to ignore the rumors of  Gov. Adeleke granting a state pardon to the convict and the watery push to link service records of a state judicial official to a popular verdict on the gruesome murder of a postgraduate student.
“Those peddling such lies are agents of darkness acting on behalf of disgruntled, dark political elements. They are better ignored.
“We convey appreciation to men and women of goodwill who have put up spirited defense for the governor in the face of this orchestrated falsehood.
“The undiluted truth is that neither the state government nor the state governor is interested in the subversion of the wheel of justice” Rasheed said.
BRANDPOWER reports that Osun State Chief Judge, Justice Oyebola Ojo sentenced Dr Rahman Adedoyin, owner of Hilton Hotel, Ile-Ife to death by hanging.
The Osun State Chief Judge, Justice Oyebola Ojo declared that Dr Rahman Adedoyin, owner of Hilton Hotel Ile-Ile, where Timothy Adegoke OAU postgraduate student was allegedly killed was culpable of murder.

The Chief Judge in her judgement said the owner of the hotel and two of his workers, based on the circumstances of the case established by the prosecuting counsel, Femi Falana, SAN, are found culpable of conspiracy to commit murder, and unlawful killing of the deceased.

The judge said that Adedoyin was found guilty on count 1,2, 3, 7, 9, 15 bothering on conspiracy to murder, unlawful killing of Timothy Adegoke and also disposing and tampering with his corpse .Ojo also ordered that the Hilton hotel, Ile-Ife, be closed and forfeited to the state government.

She further said that the children of the deceased should be placed on scholarship until their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and the bills should paid by the Estate of Rahman Adedoyin.

Adegoke was a postgraduate student at the Obafemi Awolowo University ( OAU) . He left Abuja on Nov. 5, 2021 to sit for his last examination in the university at Ile-Ife .

The deceased had lodged at Hilton hotels belonging to Rahman Adedoyin , where he allegedly lost his life and  was declared missing on Nov. 7 , 2021, after his classmates discovered that he did not show up in class at Moro Distance Learning Centre of the university.

Also, the police investigation revealed that he had told his family of his plans to check into Hilton hotels in Ile-Ife, where he usually stayed whenever he arrived Ife, but this was initially denied by the hotel management.

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