Home POLITICS Elections: EU Observers say oath to remain neutral is sacrosanct 

Elections: EU Observers say oath to remain neutral is sacrosanct 

 “We are election observers on assignment to Cross River and Akwa Ibom and we received good reports on the spiritual leader and his large followers he has influenced positively in Nigeria.

Elections: eu observers say oath to remain neutral is sacrosanct The European Union Election Observation Mission (EU-EOM) says its oath to remain neutral in the Feb. 25 and March 11 General Elections in Nigeria remains sacrosanct.
The EU Election Observation Mission led by Mr Robert Hall and Diana Ferrari made the pledge during a visit to the Founder and Spiritual Leader of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, (BCS) Leader Olumba-Olumba Obuh in Calabar.
Explaining their mission on Sunday during the visit, Hall, said it was imperative that they visit the the spiritual leader.
He commended the spiritual leader for sacrificial efforts at uniting families and communities.
 “We are election observers on assignment to Cross River and Akwa Ibom and we received good reports on the spiritual leader and his large followers he has influenced positively in Nigeria.
“Since we are to educate the electorate on the need to participate in the general election by casting their votes, there is a need for us to visit the leader of BCS.
“Speaking about neutrality during the election, nothing can make us violate our mandate or the oath taken to be neutral in the election,” he said.
Responding, Obu said he was very happy over their visit and will afford them the desired cooperation adding that the forthcoming election was very important to Nigerians but that he had no preferred presidential candidate.
He told the EU delegation that he has advised his adherents to freely exercise their franchise.
“I urge Nigerians to conduct themselves peacefully during and after the general election. This election must be devoid of vote buying, rigging, violence and killings.
“On EU’s request to know more about BCS, my mission and teachings bordera on love, forgiveness, peace and unity of all races,” he said
He assured the EU observers of their safety throughout their stay in Nigeria, adding that he would gladly receive them again since they promised to return to the organisation in continuation of their voter education.

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