Home NEWS Central banks of Nigeria, France join Hyperledger Foundation

Central banks of Nigeria, France join Hyperledger Foundation

Central banks of nigeria, france join hyperledger foundationBy Yohan Yun

The Central Bank of Nigeria and Banque de France will headline the newest batch of eight members joining the Linux Foundation’s enterprise blockchain ecosystem, the Hyperledger Foundation, it said on Monday.

Fast facts

CasperLabs, BCW Group, DSR Corporation, Realto Group, Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada and the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications will be joining the central banks as the latest additions to the enterprise network.

The Hyperledger Foundation is a Linux Foundation-led open-source network for developing enterprise-grade blockchain solutions, with global members including Accenture and IBM.

Volatile cryptocurrency prices can put off investors from the industry, but enterprises and governments, such as China, have consistently expressed interest in capturing the potential of blockchain and distributed technologies.

Joining the Hyperledger Foundation allows blockchains to improve on interoperability with enterprise-grade operations, according to CasperLabs technology chief Medha Parlikar.

“We’ve already found great success working with IBM to demonstrate the first atomic cross-chain swap of fungible tokens between an instance of a Hyperledger Fabric permissioned network and the Casper Blockchain at Davos 2022,” Parlikar said in a statement, which was issued at the 2022 Hyperledger Global Forum in Dublin.


Credit: Forcast

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